‘We met in Paris, 12 years ago already. You had written to me and I came. I wanted to see
who had written to me, a woman, you. It was spring. We walked through the streets. We
talked. We tried to get to know one another, at once sharing our respective stories. You
asked me some questions, and I asked you others. You were 25, I was 27. The city was
a movement around us, a rumour. We met again other six months later. It was cold in the
streets. We needed a shelter and you let me choose between a café and your apartment.
I chose. We went to your place. It was warm. We slowly took off our clothes. Towards
night’s end we were naked and, it has to be said, rather at a loss. Did you worship me at
the time already?’
This is the story of the 6,000 letters owed, to the woman he seduced and abandoned,
by the vile one, the loathsome one, the traitor, the scoundrel, that is, the womanizer
commonly known as the autist. It is nevertheless a genuine and enduring love story.
Author: Eugène Savitzkaya
Casting : Nathalie Cornet & Bernard Breuse
Direction : Stéphane Olivier en collaboration avec Pierre Sartenaer
Technique & Stage : Alain Mage
Obsessionnelle, l'écriture de Savitzkaya dit la douleur de ne plus être aimé en retour et de ne pas savoir pourquoi. L'impossibilité d'accepter le poids d'un amour que l'on voudrait étouffer et qui flatte, en même temps. Exploitant avec beaucoup d'ingéniosité la poésie du lieu, Stéphane Olivier et Pierre Sartenaer font s'entrecroiser les discours de la femme (bouleversante Nathalie Cornet) et de l'autiste (Bernard Breuse, insaisissable et désirable à souhait), faisant jouer les comédiens sur les mille et un sens qu'une phrase peut acquérir selon l'intonation. L’article complet
18/03/1994, Christelle Prouvost, Le Soir
Video of the show
- 01 → 04/03/2005: Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Bruxelles (BE)
- 15 → 20/03/1994: Raffinerie du Plan K, Bruxelles (BE)