In the context of the workshops of the Temps d’Images festival, Michèle Anne De Mey, Gregory Grosjean, Jaco Van Dormael and Transquinquennal tried to imagine what an interdisciplinary approach really meant. Is it possible to dance in darkened cinemas? What would Indiana Jones look like if temporal ellipses were impossible, as in theatre? And what if there were bonus features on the stage as there are on film? Can we make fingers dance? Tribute to Louis Duncan, Bertold Lumière and Isidora Brecht explores this blending of genres.
Some say – but should we believe them? – that it is in the wake of this encounter that the ‘nano-dance’ Kiss and Cry was born, the international hit by Jaco Van Dormael and Michèle-Anne De Mey.
With : Bernard Breuse, Miguel Decleire, Michèle Anne De Mey, Gregory Grosjean, Jaco Van Dormael, Stéphane Olivier
Production : Cie MADM, Transquinquennal
Coproduction : TEMPS D'IMAGES : La Ferme du Buisson/Les Halles de Schaerbeek
© Céline Renchon
© Céline Renchon
© Céline Renchon
- 27/09/2003: La Ferme du Buisson, scène nationale, Marne-La-Valée (FR)
- 06/09/2003: Halles de Schaerbeek, Bruxelles (BE)