In 2017, we submitted a final application for structural support to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, and in that application we wrote a text outlining the history of the company while projecting it over the next five years, with the aim of ceasing our activities in December 2022.
But time passed and COVID added a year to this plan.
Moreover, time was brutally shortened, as our friend and colleague Miguel Decleire passed away unexpectedly in September 2023, even before our very last performance was to premiere at the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.
The word ‘inventory’ is probably only remotely related to the word ‘inventor’. But over the past few months we have been taking stock of everything, and looking back at all the energy we have put into those 34 years, looking at all those boxes, all those archives we have left to the AML* that are the sediment of all the shows we have produced, we like to think that we are the inventors of a particular practice: our own!
A practice that was also, we dare to believe, unique and original.
In addition to Thomas Depryck’s text from the same year, in which, under the title ‘Who are we, what do we do’, he introduces our collective, here follows this revised text from 2017: it is a kind of introduction to this site, frozen once and for all and captured in digital marble
Transquinquennal, November 2024
*Archives et Musée de la Littérature
PS : to read all texts in full length, please visit the French version of this site.