Agnès and Marie re-enact the shadowing of one Miss X identified as belonging to a small
urban group conducting ‘actions’ against real-estate speculation. Why did Miss X tear
down the ‘Post No Bills’ sign on an abandoned building? Why does she wander around
wastelands? Why did she break into St Catherine’s Church? What is her relation with that
hairpiece merchant in Molenbeek? And lastly, why was she pacing up and down the hall of
the Kredietbank’s headquarters on the quays?
In Filatures, the realist setting on the scale of the entire city plays a crucial role. Instead
of an actual play, Filatures has been imagined as an intervention in the city of Brussels,
taking the heart of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, the Beursschouwburg, as its starting point.
Direction & concept : Philippe Blasband
Performers : Belen Montoro, Magali Pinglaut, Pierre Sartenaer
Coproduction : Transquinquennal/ KunstenFestivaldesArts
Sensible aux mystères, à l'atmosphère et à l'histoire de Bruxelles, Transquinquennal avait déjà demandé à des Bruxellois de raconter leur ville dans "Cité cité", et Blasband ne cesse de placer Bruxelles au coeur de son oeuvre. Ici, le but du jeu est de prendre des Bruxellois pure souche en "Filatures", de les traquer jusque dans les moindre recoins. L’article complet
15/05/1995, Christelle Prouvost, Le Soir
- 13 → 25/05/1995: Beursschouwburg, Bruxelles (BE)